Marita occupies the position of General Manager at Palladian and has joined the company since 2020 . She is a senior Marketing, Communications & PR professional with over 20 years of expertise in Marketing & Communications departments in leading companies & PR agencies.

Having developed and implemented PR communication strategies including corporate, brand & digital PR, brand awareness, Retail Marketing & CSR campaigns for various Greek & international brands, she has worked in key positions within the Marketing & Comms department of SEAT TECHNOCAR (Vassilakis group of companies), NEOSET s.a & PLAISIO. Moving on, she joined as Account Director leading Communications & PR agencies, thus having the opportunity to work for Greek & multinational clients in the Technology, Retail & FMCG sectors such as SONY Mobile, NN Hellas, Jaguar, AB Βασιλόπουλος, PHILIPS, General Mills, Diageo Corporate etc. She holds a bachelor’s degree in “French language & Literature” and a master’s degree in “Communication & PR” from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

60, Skoufa Str., GR 106 80 Athens
+30 210 3392321
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60, Skoufa Str., GR 106 80 Athens
+30 210 3392321