“The innovative study on Gastronomic Tourism for Chios, titled ‘TASTE: like CHIOS,’ has received another significant recognition on an international scientific level.”
The innovative study on Gastronomic Tourism for Chios, titled ‘TASTE: like CHIOS,’ by Dimosthenis Brousalis, a result of collaboration between Palladian Communication Specialists and Dasc Branding Athens, was selected and presented as a separate case study at the world scientific conference of IPBA (International Place Branding Association). It was featured alongside other chosen studies from around the world.
A few months ago, the “TASTE: like CHIOS” project won the Gold Award at the “Tourism Awards 2023”, as a shining proposal for a Gastronomic Destination Brand that is co-created with industry professionals.
The most significant reasons for the success of this Gastronomic Tourism Study include:
- the contemporary international methodology
- the participatory process
- the careful focus on Research and Analysis
- the completeness of Strategic Branding
- the integrated Destination Identity
- the sub-brand system that specializes in it
- the organization of stakeholders (beneficiaries)
- the systematic implementation
- its impressive results.
The study was funded by the Region of North Aegean and supported by the Chios Tourism Organization.